Welcome to Lilypad's Website



When I get sad,

I stop being sad and

be awesome instead.

Contact me

About me

Hello, I am 李轶, my English name is Lily.

李 (Li) is my family name, and 轶 (Yi) is my given name, which means outstanding, extraordinary, transcendent in Chinese. 

Excellence, continuous self-improvement, and lifelong learning are also what I am committed to.


Driven by a passion for innovative software solutions, I built my career as a software developer, drawing upon my strong academic foundation in Software Engineering from SJTU and my specialization in Data Science from RWTH Aachen.


I have a broad range of interests and skills, including the currently trending area of Deep Learning, as well as application software development (client requirements implementation, algorithm design, databases, software architecture, etc.). I am also experienced in working with multiple programming languages.


To learn more about my professional expertise, feel free to visit my LinkedIn and connect with me :)


Dance and music are my passions. They together form a rhythm and melody of life, orchestrating our emotions and painting the canvas of our existence. Of all dance styles, I love Bachata and Salsa the most. During my leisure time, I enjoy participating in dance events and dedicating time to refine my dance skills.


A quote from my dance idol, Sara Panero, resonates with me: “No vais a mejorar o a conseguir cosas más difíciles si no lo intentáis y falláis.” Translated, it means, you won't be able to improve yourself and achieve harder goals if you don't try and fail. This philosophy inspires me to overcome challenges not only in my dance journey, but also in my life. Because just as in dance, beauty emerges from a lot of hard work.

Global Citizen

I see myself as an integral part of an emerging world community, which is developed from modern information, communications, and transportation technologies. In increasing ways these technologies are strengthening our ability to forge stronger bonds across geographical boundaries. Being a global citizen means it is my responsibility to adopt a sustainable lifestyle, cultivate empathy and compassion for others, and build mutually supportive relationships with people from various cultures.


Chinese (Mandarin) is my native language, and I am proficient in English. Currently, I am learning German (currently B2 level) and Spanish (currently A2.1 level).


Here is my footprint :p